Thursday, December 24, 2009

Malaysia Trip 2009 - Learned Tidbits

Things learned from the Trip

1. 大馬中文 "錢" 叫作 "Lui"; "10蚊" (錢) 叫作 "10 kau"; 遇到用英文溝通時才叫 Ringgit..
Good Morning - Salamat Pagi
Thank you - Terima kasih (等你媽嫁先)

2. 小學分開 Malay, Chinese, Indian Schools..中學才統一用 Malay 為教學語言。 (私校除外)

3. "暑假" 由 11月中放到1月頭...

4. 6 月, 7月, 8月頭多煙霞,因為印尼 practice slash and burn for farming.. This practice is banned in Malaysia. Environmental Law have been executed quite effectively!

6. There's petrol subsidy in Malaysia... no wonder about traffic jam..

7. 大馬19至20世紀係最大的鍚(Tin)出口國,"Royal Selangor" 就是Sell 鍚器的。

新加坡國家投資公司取名"Temasek",可解作"Sea Town" in Javanese. 可指13世紀位於新加坡的商鎮。

8. 榴槤入夜才會從樹上掉下來的

9. 港稱「菠蘿」,台稱「鳳梨」,大馬稱之為「黃梨」

10. All Malays are born islam by constitution. Child is islam if one of the parents being islam.

Subsequent research leads me find the special case of "Lina Joy" who failed to convert from islam to christianity;

10. 所有酒店天花板都有個箭頭指向Mecca的方向的...這是Hilton 的...


11. 導遊家鄉「芙蓉鎮」,原來就是 Seremban, 位於吉隆坡與馬六甲之間。另外,包圍吉隆坡的那個州 Selangor 譯作「雪籣蛾州」。各處地名都譯得幾好聽。

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